Our Wrap Around Proivision

Beehive Club began offering wrap around childcare here at Heswall Primary School in January 2020.  The club is completely run by the school and all the staff are school staff.
It is run by Beth Hallsworth and her team and is available to all children once they have reached the age of three.  It runs term-time only between 7.30am - 9.00am every morning and between 3.00pm - 6.00pm each evening.  The club is run from the school hall however the club does make good use of the school's vast grounds.
To book a place at the club, you first need to register.  The information for this can be found on the next page.
Costs of Beehive are:
Breakfast Session - 7.30am to start of school - £5.50
After School Session - 3.15pm (3.00pm for Pre-School) - 6.00pm - £9.50