What to do if my child is ill?

Call us as soon as possible on 0151 342 7491.
If your child is ill and not able to attend school, please call the school as soon as possible before school starts (8.50am) on the first day of the illness.  You should consider visiting your GP if required and let school know the outcome.  We will usually authorise attendance for illness however we may request to see medical evidence e.g. appointment cards, back page of prescriptions if your child's attendance is significantly below the acceptable standard.
We follow the advice from the Health Protection Agency's 'Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings'.  For some illnesses such as diarrhoea, children should not attend school until 48 hours after the last bout of diarrhoea.  This is to protect other children and stopping illness spreading.
We encourage good hygiene by requesting children to wash their hands before dinner and after visiting the toilet.  Hygenic hand gel is also used in many areas of the school so please ensure that we are kept informed of any allergies that your child has.