Better Never Stops!

'Better Never Stops' is part of our school's ethos, approach and identity.  It is on our letters, it's in the classrooms, it's written on the hall wall in huge letters shiny letters.  It means that with hard work, we can keep getting better at the things we really put our mind to.  It is based on the theory of growth mindset by Carole Dweck.   We are careful with the language that we use and praise children for the amount of effort they put in to what they do.  We don't reward the children for getting everything right - rather we praise them for the effort it took to do that.  It could be that a child that has got 8/10 in their spellings has worked a lot harder than another child who easily got them all correct without much effort.  
Quite simply, it is about helping children to create the appropriate attitude towards everything that they do and developing a culture of self-improvement across the school.  It is about being positive and looking at things in a much more mentally positive and friendly way.
When children say that they can't do something, other children will remind them that they can't do it 'YET!'.  This helps to instil in the children that we try things more than once and that effort is needed to help them succeed.  The effort gives the children the growth and satisfaction when they achieve their goals.