Come and Visit

Have you got a child coming up to school age or are you new to the area?  Come and have a look at what Heswall Primary has to offer.  Mr Lawrenson will proudly give you a tour of this lovely, nurturing and unique school.  We consistently achieve excellent results by caring for the children's social and emotional health and balancing this with excellent teaching to get the challenge just right!
We don't hold an open day visit as we'd much prefer to show you our school on a more personal level so that you can ask us lots questions about what we provide here and how we do it.   When you leave after your visit, we want you to do so knowing exactly what our school is really all about and how we will cater for your child.
Please call the school office on 0151 342 7491 to make a booking and Mr Lawrenson (Headteacher) will meet you personally, show you around and answer any of your questions.  Please bring your child too!  You can also email us at and we will get back to you
We look forward to meeting you and your child.
Best Wishes,
Mr J Lawrenson, Headteacher