School Uniform
Uniform and Presentation Policy – Heswall Primary School
We insist that children wear school uniform at Heswall Primary School. It helps them be identified as part of our school community. We also believe that it helps develop a positive attitude in school. From a young age, we encourage our children to; look smart, act smart and feel smart. School uniform is also extremely important for promoting a strong sense of belonging and respect for our lovely school.
We believe that our school uniform helps our children to identify with their school community. We ask for your co-operation in trying to dress your child in the correct school uniform. Our school tries to source the best quality we can and keep cost as low as possible. Logos are not compulsory on any uniform. Parents can purchase their school uniform from local shops and supermarkets. The school does not sell school uniform apart from ties that can be stored on site. Our school uniform, containing our Heswall Bee Logo can be purchased directly from the following stores/online stores:
'School Trends' (Online Supplier)
Please allow sufficient time when purchasing school uniform. All providers will experience a very high amount of orders in the summer months.
We will only authorise outlets to sell uniforms with embroidered logos if the price is fair and not too expensive. You can purchase items without logos from most uniform selling high street stores or supermarkets.
Our school colours are Red and grey. Sweatshirts, shorts and tee shirts are available from local shops.
Vibrant Red Knitted Cardigan/ V-Neck Sweater – not hooded or round necked.
Grey school trousers/ school shorts/pinafore dress or skirt.
White Shirt and a Red with Silver pin striped tie or a white polo shirt (Without a tie)
Black/Dark shoes – not boots or trainers
Grey/Red/White long or short socks / school tights.
Summer Uniform: (To be worn after the Spring Break)
Classic White Polo Shirt – With or without the school logo.
Grey school trousers/ skirt/ shorts
Red and White Gingham dress/ Gingham Playsuit (all in one) – Some younger children struggle to access the toilets when wearing the gingham playsuits.
Black/Dark shoes or dark/white closed toe sandals– no boots or trainers
Children can wear their own waterproof coat and purchase book-bags
No jewellery should be worn in school. It provides too many health and safety risks for children. A single stud earring may be worn but children are not allowed to wear earrings for physical education. This is a legal requirement.
Our staff are not responsible for accidents caused by the contact of ear studs or jewellery with equipment or other children. Teachers are not responsible for the removal of ear studs, although we will provide tape for cover if requested.
If you are considering having your child’s ears pierced then please do so during the Summer holidays, which will allow plenty of healing time before they return in September.
P.E Kit
The PE Kits comprises of:
- A black hooded or unhooded top, black tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt and trainers. This is to be worn on PE days and children come from home dressed for PE. In hot weather, children may also wear red shorts (red shadow stripe) instead of tracksuit bottoms. Although a logo version of the tracksuit is available, a plain black cloth tracksuit without a logo is also acceptable.
- The junior school children go swimming. Costumes are:
- A swimming costume. Bikinis are not allowed. Long baggy shorts are not allowed.
- Swimming trunks, NOT loose shorts. Letters will be sent home informing you when your child is undertaking swimming lessons.
- Swimming caps may be required depending on the pool that we use.
Parents/carers are asked to name all clothes and check frequently that names are still legible.
Although we have a lost property box, countless items of clothing go missing. The school is not responsible for lost clothing.
Just as we expect children to address appropriately for school, we also expect them to adopt a suitable, age appropriate hairstyle. We actively discourage extreme hairstyles as they do not complement our school uniform. We consider extreme such as hair colouring, tramlines, shaven heads, rats tails and logos or any other style that could draw attention to the child and single them out from the rest of the school. If as a school we feel a hairstyle is unsuitable we will ask for this to be rectified. It is expected that children must tie hair back when it is considered, by a member of staff, to be an obstruction/hazard/or could cause interference. Small hair accessories are permitted. No ‘Jo-Jo’ style bows, bobbles with hard plastic or hanging attachments or large flowers etc.
Nail Varnish, Make up and tattoo/transfers
Nail Varnish, make up and tattoo/transfers are not acceptable for school